Course completion requirements

To earn CE credit, participants must log in, may be required to complete a pretest, attend the entire course as determined electronically and complete an online course evaluation and a posttest with at least 75% accuracy. Anyone who does not pass the posttest with 75% accuracy can get a second chance using the training materials. Further attempts will require authorization by the CE Director. Certificates of completion are available immediately on course completion. Course credit cannot be given retroactively. No partial credit can be given for any partially completed course. If the course is part of a research study, terms and conditions apply. Please click on the link to read about the background info and Research FAQs .

Course interaction & system requirements

Recorded webinars are self-paced/non-interactive. Course questions, comments and complaints can be directed to the Continuing Education Director by email at or by phone at 845-255-5022.

System requirements:

Operating Systems: Windows XP or higher, MacOS9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher
Internet browser: Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Google Chrome, Firefox 10.0 or higher
Broadband Internet connections: Cable, High-speed DSL & any other medium that is internet accessible.
Media viewing requirements: Adobe Reader, Flash Player, & HTML5
DISABILITIES and technical difficulties: For disabilities and/or technical difficulties, please contact Ruth at 845-255-5022 or email for assistance.
GRIEVANCES: Connections Counseling Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC maintains responsibility for this course. Course questions, comments and complaints can be directed to the Continuing Education Director by email at or by phone at 845-255-5022. CCPLLC Grievance Policy can be found here CCPLLC_Grievance policy . Course credit through any organization cannot be given retroactively.