Si participa en los estudios de investigación actuales, se le pedirá su consentimiento informado para unirse a un estudio de investigación. Su participación está sujeta a protecciones éticas, pruebas, confidencialidad, y riesgos y beneficios, como se describe en la sección siguiente. Este documento ofrece un resumen conciso de esta investigación y describe la información clave que creemos que la mayoría de las personas necesitan para decidir si desean participar. Esta propuesta implica los siguientes requisitos y protecciones:
● protecciones éticas y de calidad para usted como sujeto de la investigación,
● uno (1) pruebas de 10 a 15 minutos de duración,
● protección de la confidencialidad, y
● riesgos y beneficios para usted como participante en la investigación.
Puede obtener más información leyendo las preguntas frecuentes que figuran a continuación.
Cuando marque la casilla que dice “He leído y comprendido las condiciones que figuran a continuación” en la página de inscripción, quedará registrado su consentimiento para participar en la investigación.
¿Ya tienes una cuenta? Acceso aqui.
Preguntas frecuentes:
¿Qué debo saber sobre esta investigación?
- La participación en esta investigación es voluntaria. Usted decide si participa o no.
- Si no participa, no se le penalizará.
- Puede participar ahora y abandonar el estudio más adelante sin inconvenientes.
- Si no lo entiende, haga preguntas.
- Haga todas las preguntas que quiera antes de tomar una decisión.
¿Cuánto tiempo participaré en esta investigación?
Esperamos que su participación en CADA estudio de investigación dure lo que tarde en rellenar un cuestionario previo a la capacitación. Esto suele llevar entre 10 y 15 minutos. Puede seguir completando el curso o los cursos (2. 5 créditos de educación continua por el curso de TCC) que están a su disposición de forma gratuita, pero no es un requisito para participar en la investigación. Los cursos estarán disponibles durante el 2024 y podrá realizarlos cuando desee. La mayoría de las personas que realizan el TCC curso ininterrumpidamente emplean alrededor de dos horas y media, incluidas las pruebas previas y posteriores.
¿Por qué se lleva a cabo esta investigación?
El propósito del estudio de investigación de TCC es explorarlos patrones de uso de los servicios por parte de los pacientes latinos.
¿Qué me ocurre si acepto participar en esta investigación?
Se solicita a todos los participantes que permitan que sus datos anonimizados se utilicen para la investigación. Si decide participar en una capacitación que se utilizará para la investigación, se le pedirá que complete un registro en el que se solicitará el consentimiento para que sus datos anonimizados pueden utilizarse en la investigación. Otros procedimientos generales incluyen completar una prueba previa en línea (de 10 a 15 minutos cada una) si desea obtener un certificado del curso en español aprobado por el NYSED, Terapia cognitivo‑conductual esencial para el tratamiento de los trastornos por consumo de sustancias, que se abre para su participación después de completar los cuestionarios de la prueba previa. Su acceso a los materiales del curso 2023 queda a su entera discreción. Como trabajador social, la realización de los cursos y las pruebas posteriores de 10 minutos con una precisión del 75 % le otorgará 2.5 créditos de educación continua (en total) para su licencia de trabajador social. Si no completa la prueba posterior con un 75 % de precisión en el primer intento, podrá realizarla una segunda vez con acceso a los materiales de capacitación.
¿La participación en esta investigación me costará algo?
- Participar no le costará nada.
- No se le pagará por participar en esta investigación.
¿La participación en esta investigación podría perjudicarme?
Existe el riesgo de que sienta cierta incomodidad al responder a algunas de las preguntas de los cuestionarios, pero no se espera que sea superior a la que siente en una conversación con colegas. También existe la posibilidad de que se pierda la confidencialidad si se produce una violación involuntaria de la seguridad de los datos.
¿La participación en esta investigación me beneficiará?
No obtendrá ningún beneficio directo por participar en esta investigación; sin embargo, su participación puede contribuir de varias maneras al conocimiento sobre el ejercicio de la medicina. Cuando finalicen los estudios, los resultados estarán disponibles en
¿Qué otras opciones tengo además de participar en esta investigación?
En lugar de participar en esta investigación y tomar el curso disponible, si usted es un trabajador social, sus opciones pueden incluir tomar cursos similares de la NASW o del Departamento de Educación de su estado. Por ejemplo, los cursos clínicos que satisfacen los requisitos estatales de capacitación continua están disponibles en la NASW en
¿Qué ocurre con la información recogida para esta investigación?
Su información privada se recogerá en una base de datos. Su información privada solo la verá el investigador principal. La información anonimizada (una vez eliminados su nombre y los datos que le identifican) se compartirá con las personas que lleven a cabo esta investigación, entre ellas:
- La organización patrocinadora de la investigación, Connections Counseling Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC [Connections Counseling PLLC]
- Las personas que trabajan con el patrocinador de la investigación (investigador principal y analista de datos)
- La Junta de Revisión Independiente (IRB) que revisó esta investigación
- Los resultados de esta investigación podrán publicarse. Sin embargo, su nombre y otros datos identificativos serán confidenciales. Su información estará protegida de la divulgación a terceros en la medida en que lo exija la ley. No podemos garantizar la confidencialidad absoluta.
¿Quién puede responder a mis preguntas sobre la investigación?
Si tiene preguntas, dudas o quejas, o cree que ha sufrido una lesión o se ha enfermado a causa de esta investigación, hable con el equipo de investigación en el número de teléfono que aparece arriba en la primera página y aquí al 845-255-5022. Esta investigación está siendo supervisada por una Junta de Revisión Institucional (o Independiente) (“IRB”). Una IRB es un grupo de personas que realizan una revisión independiente de los estudios de investigación.
Puede hablar con el personal del WCG IRB llamando al (855) 818-2289, O por correo electrónico en si:
> Tiene preguntas, dudas o quejas que el equipo de investigación no responde.
> No recibe respuestas del equipo de investigación.
>No puede ponerse en contacto con el equipo de investigación.
>Desea hablar con otra persona sobre la investigación.
>Tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos como sujeto de investigación.
¿Qué más debo saber sobre esta investigación?
No tiene que inscribirse ni realizar las pruebas previas o los cursos si no lo desea. Connections Counseling PLLC, una organización con una misión de investigación y capacitación creó el curso gratuito en español y lo puso a disposición del público. El contenido y la información de capacitación de los cursos disponibles han sido aprobados a nivel de proveedor por el Departamento de Educación del estado de Nueva York para la obtención de créditos de educación continua para clínicos
El NYSED, la NASW, o cualquiera de las agencias que otorgan créditos de educación continua no han avalado ni desarrollan la investigación. Después de inscribirse en este curso gratuito, puede iniciar sesión y comenzar el curso. Cuando haya iniciado la sesión, verá su página de inicio que le permitirá realizar una prueba previa en la que se le preguntará sobre usted, sus percepciones de su práctica profesional y su experiencia con la misma. Las preguntas incluirán cómo su agencia puede facilitar el tratamiento de TCS para algunos pacientes.
>Una vez completada la prueba previa, tendrán acceso al curso Terapia cognitivo-conductual esencial para el tratamiento de los trastornos por consumo de sustancias. Los instructores que imparten la capacitación están especializados en el consumo de sustancias y la salud mental, con un total de más de 80 años de experiencia conjunta prestando servicios a pacientes con problemas de alcohol y drogas.
>Tendrá acceso a estos materiales de capacitación hasta finales de 2024. Puede realizar la prueba posterior en cualquier momento. Si completa cada prueba posterior con una puntuación del 75 % o más, recibirá su certificado de finalización con su nombre, los nombres de los instructores, el número de proveedor de la organización de la que recibirá sus créditos de educación continua (número de proveedor del NYSED #SW-0747 y #MHC-0272 y #MFT-0115) y los créditos de educación continua obtenidos (2. 5 en total). Si usted no obtiene una puntuación de 75 % o más en la prueba posterior, puede volver a tomarla una vez con acceso a los materiales de capacitación.
Ética y otras medidas de protección de la calidad: el diseño y los componentes de los estudios fueron aprobados por la Junta de Revisión Independiente (IRB) del Grupo WIRB-Copernicus que supervisa la conducta ética de la investigación para los trabajadores sociales que participan. El NYSED, la NASW, ni ninguna de las agencias que otorgan créditos de educación continua han desarrollado ni avalado la investigación.
Confidencialidad: Su participación y sus respuestas serán confidenciales en la medida en que lo permita la ley. Todos los resultados se presentarán como tendencias de grupo, no como informes individuales. Solo se recopilará información anónima. La lista maestra de códigos, los nombres de los participantes, las direcciones de correo electrónico y las respuestas a las pruebas previas y posteriores se guardarán en el ordenador del investigador principal, y estarán protegidos por una contraseña que solo conoce el investigador principal. Las copias impresas de la lista maestra y cualquier copia impresa de los cuestionarios y certificados se guardarán en un cajón cerrado con llave en casa del investigador principal, y solo él tendrá la llave. Esta lista maestra, todos los cuestionarios y todas las copias se destruirán al cabo de 3 años. Las copias de los certificados se conservarán durante el tiempo que sugieran las organizaciones implicadas en la impartición de la educación continua (por ejemplo, el NYSED u otras organizaciones estatales), por lo general, un mínimo de 10 años.
Acerca de los creadores del curso: los creadores e instructores que proporcionan material de formación médica son profesionales de la salud especializados en trastornos por consumo de sustancias y salud mental (la mayoría son LCSW, LMSW, LMFT o LMHC) con un total de más de 80 años de experiencia conjunta proporcionando servicios a pacientes con problemas de alcohol y drogas. Los creadores del curso sobre la TCC son Ruth Campbell, LCSW, Ph.D. y Richard Coleman, LMSW, trabajadores sociales en el estado de Nueva York desde la década de 1990.
Trabajadores Sociales de NY: el proveedor de los cursos es Connections Counseling PLLC. Proveedor con número #SW-0747 (NYSED) y #MHC-0272 (NYSED) y #MFT-0115.
Las preguntas sobre la investigación deben dirigirse a Ruth Campbell en o llamando al 845-255-5022 o por correo postal a PO Box 1235, New Paltz, NY 12561.
Airport Parking Dublin Ireland
Dublin Airport is one of Ireland's busiest airports, welcoming over 29 million passengers each year. It offers many parking options for short-term, long-term, or express needs. The airport has secure and affordable parking spots near the terminal buildings.
Travelers can find the perfect parking spot easily. The airport's parking facilities are designed for a smooth experience. Pre-booking your parking is recommended, especially during busy times, to save money and ensure availability.
The airport also offers shuttle bus services from long-term car parks to the terminals. This makes your journey to and from your flight efficient and hassle-free.
Key Takeaways
- Dublin Airport offers a variety of parking options, including short-term, long-term, and express parking services.
- Pre-booking parking is advised, especially during peak travel times, to secure a spot and potentially save on costs.
- Shuttle bus services are available from long-term car parks to the terminal buildings, providing a convenient transfer for travelers.
- The airport's parking facilities are designed to offer a secure and hassle-free experience for passengers.
- Customers can choose from 7 trusted car parks at Dublin Airport, with the best-priced parking costing €8.03 per day.
Overview of Dublin Airport Parking Options
Dublin Airport offers a variety of parking options for travelers. You can choose from short-term parking for quick visits or long-term parking for longer stays. The airport has something for everyone.
Short-Term Parking Facilities
For short stays, Dublin Airport has parking spots close to both terminals. These are perfect for quick visits. They make getting to the airport easy and hassle-free.
Long-Term Parking Solutions
For longer stays, Dublin Airport has several long-term parking options. You can choose from Express Green, Express Red, and Holiday Blue car parks. These offer secure and affordable parking with shuttle services to the terminals.
Express Parking Services
For those who travel often, Dublin Airport's express parking is a great choice. These areas are close to the terminals. They help you save time and make your journey smoother.
All parking facilities at Dublin Airport focus on security. They have CCTV, regular patrols, and well-lit areas. This ensures your vehicle is safe while you're away.
Short-Term Parking at Dublin Airport
Short-term parking at Dublin Airport is close to Terminals 1 and 2. It's perfect for those picking up or dropping off travelers. The rates are competitive, making it a quick and easy parking choice.
The cost starts at €3.00 for the first hour. The daily cap is €40.00. This makes it a budget-friendly option for short stays. The parking is near the terminals, so you won't have to walk far.
Duration |
Hourly Rate |
Maximum Daily Charge |
First Hour |
€3.00 |
€40.00 |
Each Additional Hour |
€4.50 |
Need to drop off or pick up someone? Dublin Airport's terminal parking is hassle-free and affordable. It's a great solution for your parking needs.
"The short-term parking facilities at Dublin Airport have been a lifesaver for me. The convenient parking and quick access to the terminals have made my airport visits so much easier."
Dublin Airport's short-term parking aims to make your visit smooth. It's designed for all travelers and visitors.
Long-Term Parking Facilities and Rates
Travelers looking for long-term parking at Dublin Airport have three great options: Express Green, Express Red, and Holiday Blue car parks. These places offer safe and reliable parking, along with quick shuttle rides to the terminals.
Express Green Car Park Features
The Express Green car park is perfect for long stays. It costs €15.00 a day. You'll get a shuttle to the terminals every 20 minutes.
The walk from the car park to the terminals is just 2 to 6 minutes. This makes getting to your flight easy and stress-free.
Express Red Car Park Amenities
The Express Red car park is on-campus and costs €16.50 a day. It has 8,000 spaces and a 5-minute shuttle ride to the terminals.
Shuttles run every 10 minutes. This makes it a convenient choice for travelers.
Holiday Blue Car Park Services
The Holiday Blue car park is a budget-friendly option, priced at €14.00 a day. The shuttle ride takes 15 minutes.
It has 8,000 spaces and shuttles run every 15 minutes. It meets the needs of many travelers.
Booking your parking in advance can save you a lot of money. You could save up to 60% compared to paying on the day you arrive.
Airport Parking Dublin Ireland: Location Guide
Finding the right parking at Dublin Airport is key for a smooth trip. The airport has many car park options, each with its own benefits.
The short-term car parks are close to Terminals 1 and 2. They offer easy access to the airport. The Express Red Car Park is on-campus, giving direct access to both terminals.
For longer stays, the Holiday Blue and Express Green car parks are off-campus. They have shuttle services to the terminals. These spots are often cheaper but still well-connected to the airport.
Car Park |
Location |
Shuttle Service |
Express Red Car Park |
On-campus |
Direct access to terminals |
Holiday Blue Car Park |
Off-campus |
Regular shuttle service |
Express Green Car Park |
Off-campus |
Regular shuttle service |
All long-term car parks at Dublin Airport are easy to reach from major routes. This makes arriving and leaving hassle-free. No matter your choice, your car will be safe and easy to find during your trip.
Shuttle Bus Services and Transfer Times
Getting to and from Dublin Airport is now easier than ever. The airport offers a wide range of shuttle bus services. These services are available from the Express Red, Holiday Blue, and Express Green car parks. You can count on regular and quick transfers to the terminal buildings.
Express Red Shuttle Schedule
The Express Red shuttle buses run every 10 minutes. This means a fast and convenient trip to the airport. You'll reach the terminal in just approximately 5 minutes.
Holiday Blue Transfer Information
If you're parked in the Holiday Blue car park, the shuttle buses come every 15 minutes. The trip to the terminal takes about approximately 15 minutes. This service is both comfortable and reliable for your travel needs.
Express Green Bus Timings
The Express Green car park has a shuttle bus service that runs every 20 minutes. It takes about approximately 5 minutes to get to the terminal. This service is available 24/7, ensuring you always arrive on time.
It's wise to plan for 30 minutes of parking and transfer time. This is especially true during busy times or when there are roadworks.
Dublin Airport's shuttle bus services make it easy to get to the terminal, no matter the car park. Whether you're flying out early or coming back late, the airport's shuttle buses will get you there on time.
Online Booking and Reservation System
Dublin Airport has a great online booking system for car parking. You can book parking up to 4 hours before you arrive. This often gets you a pre-book parking rate that's cheaper than if you just show up.
The online reservations system makes it easy to manage your booking. You can change or cancel your booking anytime. This makes traveling a lot easier for everyone.
The booking system was made by ParkMagic. They want to get 30% of the parking market at Dublin Airport. ParkMagic started in Limerick in 2005 and now works all over the world.
They offer different ways to pay, like using a ParkMagic account. This makes things more convenient and flexible for users.
Feature |
Benefit |
4-digit PIN code access |
Improved security and ease of use |
Number plate recognition payment |
Advanced technological solutions |
Up to 30% discount on pre-bookings |
Substantial parking discounts for customers |
Using the online booking system makes parking at Dublin Airport easy and affordable. You can manage your booking from anywhere, making your trip even better.
Pricing Structure and Payment Options
Dublin Airport offers many parking options for different budgets. Pre-booking your parking online can save you money. You'll get parking rates that are lower than if you pay at the gate.
Pre-booking Discounts
Booking online can save you a lot. For example, the Express Red Car Park costs €16.50 per day if you drive up. But, if you book online, it's just €12.50. That's a 25% savings.
The Holiday Blue Car Park is another good deal. It costs €14 per day if you drive up. But, booking online gets you a rate of €10 per day.
Drive-up Rates
For those who like to park and go, there are options. Short-term parking starts at €3.00 for the first hour. The Express Red and Holiday Blue Car Parks cost €16.50 and €14 per day, respectively, for longer stays.
Special Offers
Dublin Airport Car Parks also have special deals. They offer free parking on public holidays and discounts for early bookings. Check the airport's website or mobile app for the latest payment methods and online discounts.
Security Features and Safety Measures
Dublin Airport takes the safety of travelers and their vehicles very seriously. The car parks have CCTV surveillance, regular security patrols, and barrier entry/exit systems. These features ensure vehicles are parked safely, giving travelers peace of mind.
The secure parking at Dublin Airport aims for a smooth experience. With over 18,600 parking spots, there's a solution for everyone. Options range from the Express Red Car Park with quick shuttle service to the Holiday Blue Car Park with a 15-minute transfer.
Car Park |
Spaces |
Shuttle Time |
Daily Rate |
Weekly Rate |
Express Red Car Park |
8,000 |
5 minutes |
£6.30 |
£50.42 |
Holiday Blue Car Park |
8,000 |
15 minutes |
£8.44 |
£67.51 |
Express Green Car Park |
N/A |
5-10 minutes |
£10.31 |
£82.50 |
Dublin Airport also uses CCTV surveillance and security patrols to keep vehicles and their contents safe. This thorough security plan lets travelers relax, knowing their cars are in good hands.
Special Assistance and Support Services
Dublin Airport aims to make travel accessible for everyone, including those with mobility issues. It has over 90 disabled parking spots, with 50 in Terminal 1 and 40 in Terminal 2. The Express Red Long-Term Car Park has 5 priority mobility spaces in each zone.
Passengers with mobility issues can get a special parking rate. Short-term parking costs €9.50 a day, and long-term is €4.95. For help, call OCS Reduced Mobility Assistance at +353 1 944 6108.
24/7 Customer Support
Dublin Airport has 24-hour customer support for parking issues. The Express Red Long-Term Car Park is open 24/7. Staff help find parking and offer car assistance.
Breakdown Assistance
If your car breaks down, Dublin Airport offers free breakdown assistance. They help with flat tires and dead batteries. There's also a 24-hour car cleaning service through Crystal Valet.
Reduced Mobility Services
- The Express Red Long-Term Car Park has a 24-hour wheelchair-accessible shuttle bus.
- Short-term car parks have help points near disabled parking areas.
- Passengers can ask for help through their airline, travel agent, or PRM Assist app.
- Notify airlines or travel agents at least 48 hours in advance for accessibility needs.
Dublin Airport's customer service team works hard to make travel smooth for all. They follow Regulation EC 1107/2006 to help passengers with mobility issues.
Alternative Transport Options
When Dublin Airport's car parks are full, travelers have many other ways to get where they need to go. They can use public transport, taxis, rent cars, or take airport buses. These options are flexible and convenient for those who can't park at the airport.
Dublin Airport has direct bus services to the city center and other places in Ireland. Aircoach and Dublin Express run buses every 10 minutes. Bus Éireann and Expressway also offer services to towns and cities across the country.
Taxis are a common choice, with prices from the airport to Dublin City starting at €25.00. The trip takes about 35-45 minutes, depending on traffic and extra fees.
- Uber is not available at Dublin Airport, but Dublin Express and Aircoach offer green travel options.
- Car rental companies at the airport let travelers explore Ireland on their own terms.
These various transport options make it easy to get to and from Dublin Airport, even when parking is full.
Hotel Parking Packages and Stay Options
Travelers flying in and out of Dublin Airport have many hotel options. These hotels offer park and fly packages. They include overnight stay, secure parking, and free shuttle to the airport.
The Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport is just a 7-minute drive from the airport. It has over 300 car parking spots for €10 a day. Their package includes a room, shuttle, WiFi, fitness center access, and parking.
Other hotels like Metro Hotel and Clayton Hotel also have similar deals. Metro Hotel has underground parking for €10 a night with a shuttle every 30 minutes. Clayton Hotel's package includes parking and a shuttle every 25 minutes.
These packages make traveling easier. You can leave your car in a secure lot and enjoy a stress-free trip to and from the airport.
Hotel Parking Rates and Shuttle Services
Hotel |
Parking Rate |
Shuttle Service |
Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport |
€10 per day |
Free shuttle, runs every 30 minutes |
Metro Hotel |
€10 per night |
Shuttle runs every 30 minutes |
Clayton Hotel |
€14 per night |
24-hour shuttle, runs every 25 minutes |
Maldron Hotel |
Included in package |
Shuttle runs every 20 minutes |
Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport |
Included in package |
Hourly shuttle, 6am to 9pm |
Premier Inn Hotel |
€10 per day |
Shuttle runs every 30 minutes, €2.50 per trip |
Radisson Blu Hotel |
€10 per night |
Shuttle runs continuously, 4am to 12:30am |
There are many park and fly options for travelers. You can pick the best hotel for your needs and budget. Whether it's a quick stay or a longer trip, these packages make getting to Dublin Airport easy and stress-free.
Peak Season Parking Tips
Traveling during the busy holiday seasons at Dublin Airport can be tough. But, with some planning ahead, you can make parking easy. It's best to book your parking early, as spots fill up fast.
Plan to arrive early for parking and transfers, especially when it's really busy. Think about using public transport or ride-sharing if parking is full.
Dublin Airport has many parking choices for different needs and budgets. The Express Red Car Park is great for long stays, with shuttle buses every 10 minutes. The Holiday Blue Car Park is cheaper for long stays, with shuttles every 15 minutes.
For short stays, the on-site car parks have hourly rates starting at €3. They cap at €40 a day. These are good for quick visits or when picking up/dropping off passengers.
Car Park |
Daily Rate |
Shuttle Frequency |
Shuttle Transfer Time |
Express Red |
€16.50 |
Every 10 minutes |
5 minutes |
Holiday Blue |
€14.00 |
Every 15 minutes |
15 minutes |
Express Green |
€16.50 |
Every 20 minutes |
5 minutes |
By using these tips and the many parking options at Dublin Airport, you can start your trip stress-free.
Dublin Airport offers many parking options for travelers. This ensures a stress-free start and end to any trip. Whether you need a quick stop or a long-term parking spot, there's something for everyone.
Pre-booking and using the airport's shuttle services can save time. This makes traveling smoother and more enjoyable.
Dublin Airport's parking is great for those who want to save money or have more flexibility. It's also perfect for those who prefer to travel on their own schedule. The airport focuses on safety, security, and customer service.
Planning ahead and using Dublin Airport's parking options can make your journey better. It lets you focus on the fun and adventures waiting for you.
What parking options are available at Dublin Airport?
Dublin Airport has many parking choices. You can pick from long-term, short-term, and express parking. Each option is available for both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.
Where are the short-term car parks located?
Short-term car parks are right next to Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. They make it easy for drop-offs and pick-ups.
What are the long-term parking options at Dublin Airport?
For long-term parking, you can choose from Express Green, Express Red, and Holiday Blue car parks. Each offers shuttle services to the terminals.
How frequent are the shuttle services from the long-term car parks?
Express Red shuttles run every 10 minutes, with a 5-minute transfer. Holiday Blue buses go every 15 minutes, taking 15 minutes to get to the terminals. Express Green shuttles are every 20 minutes, with a 5-minute transfer.
Can I pre-book parking at Dublin Airport?
Yes, you can book parking online at Dublin Airport. You can reserve up to 4 hours before you arrive. Pre-booking often means you get a discount.
What security measures are in place at the Dublin Airport car parks?
All car parks at Dublin Airport have top security. They have CCTV, regular patrols, and barrier systems at entry and exit.
What additional services are available at Dublin Airport car parks?
Dublin Airport car parks offer extra services. They have help for passengers with mobility issues, 24/7 customer support, free breakdown help, and a 24-hour car cleaning service.
What are the alternative transport options if the car parks are full?
If car parks are full, you can use direct buses to Dublin Airport, taxis, cycling, or rent a car.
Do hotels near Dublin Airport offer park and fly packages?
Yes, many hotels near Dublin Airport have park and fly packages. These include an overnight stay, parking for your trip, and free shuttle to the airport.
When is the best time to pre-book parking at Dublin Airport?
It's best to pre-book parking during peak travel times. Drive-up spaces might be scarce. Give yourself extra time for parking and transfers during busy periods.
Car Parking At Dublin Airport